What is Horizons for Youth’s Associate Board and who can join?
The AB is a group of emerging leaders who volunteer their time, skills, and resources to support Horizons for Youth’s mission and goals.
Individuals between the ages 22-39 who are passionate about getting involved in their community.
What skills or qualifications are needed to join?
We are seeking individuals who are passionate about our cause, possess strong communication and teamwork skills, and are willing to actively contribute their time and talents.
What are the responsibilities of an associate board member? How much time is required?
Time commitment may vary, but generally, they include: attending quarterly meetings, actively participating in fundraising and advocacy efforts, volunteering for events and initiatives, and leveraging personal and professional networks to support the organization.
What are the benefits of joining an associate board?
Benefits include professional development/networking opportunities, gaining board experience, making a positive impact in your local Chicago community, and building lasting relationships with fellow members.